
Backed by over 30 years of clinically proven neuroscience, NuCalm’s patented neuroacoustic software effectively turns your headphones into a remote control to enter the brain state you desire – on demand.

The world's first clinically proven brain support suite


Neutralise Stress

NuCalm’s patented neuroacoustics are engineered and proven to turn that frown upside down.


Restore sleep

More than 50 million Americans suffer from over 80 different sleep disorders. NuCalm will restore you to your natural sleep rhythm.


Peak performance

Whoever said it was all in your head was right. NuCalm gives you powerful tools to recover faster, increase focus, and perform at your peak.

The power of your brain in the palm of your hand

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NuCalm uses 6 patented channels to give you complete control over your brain’s operating frequency range. In fact, we own the ONLY patent on technology proven to give you the power to control your own mental state.

Six channels, complete control