Inspired by Nature.

Improved by Neuroscience.

Patented Neuroscience. Proven Results.

More than 30 years ago, Dr. Holloway began a quest to help people suffering from acute PTSD without using narcotics. This mission lead to years of research, development, and clinical testing and ultimately a breakthrough technology platform that safely and predictably allows you to manage your mental states on demand. We do this through patented, clinically-proven neuroacoustic software that guides your brain waves to different frequencies: from the highest frequencies associated with peak mental state and concentration to the lowest frequencies associated with deep sleep. The biggest advantage to you is that this technology is all-natural, non-invasive, easy-to-use, and works every single time you use it.


Change Your Mental State On Demand


Your daily energy levels are determined exclusively by resource allocation and resource control. Our patented, clinically-proven, neuroscience technologies allow you to safely manage your resource allocation. The power to Own the Day is in the palm of your hand.

  • Lower stress, accelerate recovery, and feel better with NuCalm
  • Improve concentration and comprehension with Focus
  • Achieve high-intensity, peak performance with Ignite
  • Get to sleep faster without drugs or side effects with DEEP SLEEP

What You Need to Know About Your Brain Waves

Your brain consists of millions of brain cells forming trillions of connections. These building blocks of the brain, called neurons, communicate with each other through chemical and electrical signals. When masses of neurons send synchronized pulses, they oscillate and produce a wave-like effect or a brain wave. Brain wave frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second. Higher order brain activity will produce high-frequency brain waves, such as beta or gamma waves. When you are awake, in a normal state of consciousness, you are in the beta brain wave frequency range. As shown in the chart, delta brain waves are the slowest and are dominant when we are in a deep sleep. As with all things in life, having balance in brain wave activity is key to achieving optimal health and performance.


Breaking New Ground

“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.”
-Albert Einstein

A Message from Dr. Blake Holloway

The objectives behind inventing our neuroacoustic software were to create predictable, powerful methods to elicit physiological outcomes… like fine tuning a musical instrument.

I focused on four critical areas of the brain: Reticular activating system, Corpus callosum, HPA axis, and Autonomic nervous system.

To create effective neurobiofeedback within the complexities of the brain, I leveraged the auditory motor cortex, not just as a gateway for collecting auditory signals, but for its function in stimulating the prefrontal and frontal motor cortex. The brain is nonlinear, thus using proprietary methods to present patterns that the brain won’t easily get bored with is a challenge. The binaural signal processing, frequency-following-response, neurobiofeedback is foundational to the software but cannot be the only effective elements. I also used specific techniques to evoke potential on a cellular level and increase electrical output focused on certain brain regions.

New discoveries in neuroscience over the past decade allowed me to develop a neuroacoustic file that is faster acting, provides a deeper recovery and restoration experience, and predictably balances the mind and body. The collaboration with Dan Selene adds a further level of complexity to the software due to the synergy between the software driver portion and the carrier of the software, which is the music integration that augments the outcome. I am excited for you to benefit from deep restoration and balance with NuCalm and experience the broader spectrum of outcomes we have developed over the last several years.

A Message from Dan Selene

I’ve been in the music production and sound design industries as an executive producer for over 40 years including co-founding the record label Higher Octave that was acquired by Virgin Records. I understand the complexities of music production and as a fitness enthusiast also understand the quest for personal development and peak performance. When I was invited by Mr. Poole to collaborate with Dr. Holloway to develop soundtracks for the world’s most powerful neuroacoustic software I embraced the opportunity with enthusiasm and humility.

From the first time I used NuCalm, I realized it was a quantum leap in personal growth and wellness through profound restoration and recovery. NuCalm effortlessly brings my mind and body into a state of ease reminiscent of my deepest meditation and restoration experiences. Since the NuCalm effects are cumulative, my experience has continued to deepen over time and I am grateful for the revitalizing and restorative effects on my body, including vastly improved sleep quality. I believe that spending time in the ‘NuCalm zone’ is among the most valuable things a human being can ever experience. So, I am coming from a place of appreciation as a daily user of NuCalm and it is my joyful intention to provide the best possible NuCalm experiences for NuCalm users all over the world.

The advanced neurobiofeedback neuroacoustic software files developed by Dr. Holloway contain the most sophisticated algorithms and frequency matrix I have ever worked with. Creating a balanced catalog of NuCalm soundtracks on top of the physics requires a variety of styles and genres. To accomplish this, I have a team of composers, musicians, audio engineers, lawyers, and licensing specialists. Together, we are creating harmonious soundtracks by incorporating inspired music, natural environments and other audio elements. This process is part creative artistry and part scientific method. The science involves meticulously creating each segment of music matched to the time signatures of the pitch and frequency matrix of the underlying physics using the world’s most advanced audio engineering technologies.

It is an honor and pleasure to bring transformational neuroacoustic software to the world. I hope you enjoy it!

NuCalm White Paper

The NuCalm White Paper highlights the key findings from specific studies that examine the efficacy of NuCalm as a means of reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and enhancing well-being.

Patented Neuroscience

To be awarded a patent, the burden is on the company to prove novelty and efficacy. That is why we spent years working with leading research scientists and experts in the field to evaluate and prove the efficacy of our neuroscience platform.

U.S. Patents: 9079030 and 11090459