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How do I "seize the day" if I can't even collect my own thoughts?

Press play on Reboot.

FlowState brings the muse to you.

Motivation, focus, and creativity, as mysterious as they may seem, all start in the brain. FlowState is the kick in the pants your brain needs to prime your body and mind for action and productivity throughout the day.

FlowState’s journeys keep you just above sleep and recovery, hovering in that pre-sleep state of clarity and creativity that we can never seem to hold onto.

FlowState works without drugs, in harmony with your body’s natural parasympathetic nervous system. FlowState uses complex neuroscience and technology to achieve one simple goal – a relaxed state of calm and creativity. You can use FlowState with or without a NuCalm biosignal processing disc, but a light blocking mask is recommended.


Beat Your Brain, At Its Own Game with FlowState.

Science has recognized the human brain as the true biological “final frontier”. It has documented almost magical abilities the brain has to inspire genius, heal us, and even exert conscious control over things we think are unconscious, like our heartbeat. Amazing as this all is, how to get our brain to do these things is a mystery humankind has sought the answers to for millennia.

Modern neuroscience understands that our mental state is tied to our brain’s operating frequency. Using that knowledge, NuCalm has engineered FlowState, the perfect tool to tune in those tricky frequencies our brain usually only reaches near sleep or during deep, practiced meditation.

Using the only patented and clinically proven system in the world, you can add this mental superpower to your tool belt without years of practice and study, and use it any time you need to elevate self-care into self optimization.

Ready to add FlowState to your Journey?